Testing & Treatment

Testing of hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is detected via a blood test. It is important to take into account that it can take up to 6 months from the time of infection before the virus shows up on the test. Re-testing is therefore often required.

Treatment or Management of hepatitis C

There is no cure for hepatitis C, however antiviral medicines are available to help fight off the virus and reduce long-terms problems. Please consult your doctor or local sexual health clinic about the use of antiviral medication.

There is currently also no vaccine for hepatitis C.

Prevention of hepatitis C

Treatment for hepatitis CIn order to reduce the risk of contracting hepatitis C:

  • Practice safer sex - always using a condom and dams reduces the risk of contracting hepatitis C
  • Never share needles or injecting equipment
  • Never share personal items such as razors or toothbrushes
  • When getting tattoos/body piercing, always make sure the equipment is sterilised
  • Do not share people's body jewellery or earrings

There is currently no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C.

Emotional Support

Finding out you have hepatitis C can be very confusing and distressing. You may find it difficult to cope with emotionally. The concept of you having hepatitis C can also be challenging for your partner and for your overall relationship.  It is extremely important to overcome these emotional effects, since feeling distressed will impact your overall wellbeing, which in turn will impact your overall health. It is important to remain strong and find appropriate support.

Sexual Health Australia offers counselling and support for individuals and/or their partners who are learning to live with Hepatitis C. In the counselling sessions you are encouraged to express your feelings and emotions. Additionally, we will provide further education and information about the condition and we will guide you in taking the appropriate steps to coping with the situation emotionally. You are supported to develop goals and skills to deal with the challenge together and/or individually.  The counsellor is respectful and mindful of the individual and relationship challenges, your norms and your values. Additionally, the sessions are completely confidential.


If you wish to make an appointment with one of our friendly counsellors or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact us at:


For more information on our counselling sessions/appointments please click here.

We do not offer STI testing or medical advice, for an overall check up and medical treatment please contact either your GP or a Sexual Health Clinic in your area.



Sex therapy and Relationship Counselling is available in Sydney, New South Wales (NSW) -  Melbourne, Victoria (VIC) -  Adalaide, South Australia (SA) -  Perth, Western Australia (WA) - Darwin, Northern Territories (NT) -  Hobart, Tasmania (TAS) - Brisbane, Queensland (QLD) - Canberra, Australian Capital territory (ACT)


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